Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Bear Bile Trade

Figure 1: Asiatic Black Bear, which is the bear most affected by the bear bile trade.

Many different bear species populations are continually declining due to a variety of reasons such as habitat loss and nuisances kills (Traditional Medicine Trade, 1983).  However, one of the main reasons for this decline in bear populations is the hunting and killing of bears in order to extract their gall bladders (Cima, 2015).  Gall bladder is an organ that is connected to the liver and produces bile.  Bile is a substance which helps in digestion, and in bears it contains high amounts of urosdeoxycholic acid which helps break down cholesterol and does not allow for cholesterol to be absorbed.  For these reasons, bile is often used for medicinal reasons.  These reasons include helping with liver disease, epilepsy (Dutton et al., 2011) digestive problems and inflammation (Traditional Medicine Trade, 1983). 

It has been found that many of the known bear species (6 of the 8 bear species) are being affected by this trade (Dutton et al., 2011).  This includes American black bears, sloth bears, sun bears, and the bear that is currently the most affected is the Asiatic black bear.  All of these bears are considered threatened species (Handwerk, 2009).

The selling of bear bile generally occurs on the black market, so the trade of these products is hard to quantify and track (Traditional Medicine Trade, 1983).  Depending where the gall bladders are sold, dictates how much you get.  In the United States gall bladders are sold for about $15, however in Japan bear bile costs more than the cost of gold (Cima, 2015).  Therefore, if a poacher sells the bear bile in Japan they can get up to $153 per pound of bear bile.  Generally, the larger the gall bladder, the more money the poachers are able to get.
Figure 2: A graph showing the price per gram of bear bile compared to the price per pound for gold in Japan. 

For a long while, the only way to collect this bile was for the bears to be hunted and killed outright.  However, in the 1980s certain farms were opened in order to extract bear bile without having to kill the bears (Malcolm et al., 2013).  In 2010 there was 97 farms in China alone.  Many of these farms have very poor living conditions for the bears, and many of the methods to extract the bile is very cruel and gross.

There are around 54 alternative substances that can be used for the same medicinal purposes as bear bile (Traditional Medicine Trade, 1983).  Some of these substances are rhubarb and gardenia, as well synthesized ursodeoxycholic acid from cattle.     

However, even with these alternatives, people still prefer wild bear bile.  Recent research by Dutton et al. was conducted to see which people prefer wild bear bile or farmed bear bile.  From their research it was found that many people have a preference for wild bear bile, and will in fact pay more for this bile.  Within the questionnaire that was conducted there were two main reasons why people chose the wild bile over the farmed bile.  First reason is that they “trust more expensive medicines”.  The second reason was that doctors (practitioners) seem to prescribe wild bear bile over the farmed or synthetic kind. 

Finally, poachers are continuing to trap and sell bear gall bladders, even with these farms in place.  In fact in 2015 Yunhee Kim was found guilty in multiple accounts of the trafficking of bear gall bladders (CBC News, 2015).  He was found trafficking these bear gall bladders in Merritt and Coquitlam.  Therefore, even though Asia seems to be the main problem for these bears, the trafficking is also occurring a little closer to home.

There is a few things we can do to try and help out these bears.  First thing is to educate practitioners and the general public about the alternatives to bear bile.  The other is to continue to investigate these farms further and see what good they may be doing.

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Asiatic Black Bear. [Internet] Bear Trust International. [Cited February 23, 2016]  Available from:

CBC News.  [Internet] 2015.  Bear parts trafficker pleads guilty to dealing in gall baldders, paws.  [Cited February 23, 2016] Available from:

Cima, Rosie.  [Internet] 2015.  Why is bear bile so expensive?  Priceonomics.  [Cited February 23, 2016]  Available from:

Dutton, Adam J.; Hepburn, Cameron; and Macdonald, David W.  [Internet] 2011.  A stated preference investigation into the Chinese demand for farmed vs. wild bear bile.  PLoS One, 6: 1-10 [Cited February 23, 2016] DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0021243

Handwerk, Brian.  [Internet] 2009.  U.S. bear gallbladders gold on black market.  National Geographic News.  [Cited February 23, 2016]  Available from:

Malcolm, K.D.; McShea, W.J.; Van Deelen, T.R.; Bacon, H.J.; Liu, F.; Putman, S.; Zhu, X.; and Brown, J.L. [Internet]  2013.  Analyses of fecal and hair glucocorticoids to evaluate short- and long-term stress and recovery of Asiatic black bears (Ursus thibetanus) removed from bile farms in China.  General and Comparative Endocrinology, 185: 97-106 [Cited February 23, 2016] DOI: 10.1016/j.ygcen.2013.01.014

Traditional Medicine Trade.  [Internet]  Endangered Species Handbook.  [Cited February 23, 2016] Available from:

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Bluefin Tuna

Figure 1: Bluefin Tuna, jumping through the water. (Photo Source:
Bluefin Tuna are one of the largest vertebrates and can currently be found on the endangered species list.  They can live to be 40 years old, and can grow to be 1000 lbs (Walsh, 2013).  In the wild Bluefin Tuna are the top of their food chain, with almost no predators (except humans).  Generally these tuna are split into two categories, the eastern and the western Bluefin Tuna.      

The main reason for the Bluefin Tuna being on the endangered species list is because of overfishing.  There are a few reasons why the Bluefin Tuna is so sought after.  First, is the fact that the tuna is so large.  Second is the fact that the tuna is a very tasty fish, which many people look for and order at restaurants.  Finally there is the fact that the Bluefin Tuna goes for a lot of money, mainly being bought by sushi restaurants.  This tuna generally goes for about $15000, however the most expensive fish in 2013 was $1.76 million.  This large amount of money for each fish, causes for there to be greater incentive for fisherman to go out and catch them. 

Certain reports in 2013 showed that the population of Bluefin Tuna had decreased by nearly 96%.  Even though this number has increased slightly since then, the population of Bluefin Tuna is still only at about 50% of its past population number from 1970 (CBC News, 2014).  This major decline occurred before a quota was put into place.  However, this quota has been hard to calculate due to little data on the migration and movement patterns of the Bluefin Tuna (World Wildlife Fund). 

A study done by Cosgrove et al. in 2014 tried to get better information on the movement patterns of the tuna, and thus help the government produce a better fishing quota.  Within this research they tagged certain tuna, and followed their movements and recorded the data they collected.  The research found that the tuna dove to different depths at different times of the year.  These depths were consistent with all of the tuna who were tagged.  Knowing the depth at which the tuna will be at certain times of the year would allow for researchers to be able to accurately calculate the population of the Bluefin, and thus allow them to accurately calculate a quota.           

There is a few considerations that must be taken by the government in order for the quota to work, and for the recovery of the Bluefin Tuna.  First, they must consider the Bluefin “ranches” (Heffernan, 2014).  These are certain tuna farms, which raise Bluefin Tuna until they have become fattened, by nearly 20%.  Generally the tuna that are taken and placed into these farms are very young, immature tuna.  This affects the reproductive success of the tuna by removing the ones which are able to reproduce and pass on their genes.  The next consideration that must be taken into account is illegal fishing.  Within the fishing quota every place has their own percentage of the quota they can catch legally (Figure 2).  Most of the tuna that are caught are not reported and thus are not considered when looking at what the current quota should be.  There is also the idea among fisherman to declare a lie (say you only brought in the quota) even if you brought in more. This would allow for the fisherman to continue fishing, thus making more money.  The last consideration is the Bluefin tuna’s migration pattern.  Through recent satellite studies it has been found that both western and eastern Bluefin Tuna migrate within the same area (Safina and Klinger, 2008).  However, when caught they are not counted as two separate entities even though there are two different quotas (one for the western tuna and one for the eastern tuna).  This is mostly an important consideration when it comes to the western tuna.  Since this is the more endangered tuna, if they are caught on the eastern side (and counted toward the eastern side) then the western population will decline whether the fisherman follow the quota or not.     

Figure 2: The quotas for different countries in 2013. (Photo Source:
I believe that future research is needed in order to make sure the recovery of the Bluefin Tuna continue.  Research is needed in order to better understand the migration patterns of these tuna, as well as the government taking into consideration illegal fishing and tuna “ranches” when making up the fishing quotas. 

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Cosgrove, Ronan; Arregui, Igor; Arrizabalaga, Haritz; Goni, Nicolas; and Sheridan, Michael.  [Internet]  2014.  New insights to behavior of North Atlantic albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) observed with pop-up satellite archival tags.  Fisheries Research, 150: 89-99  [Cited February 3, 2016]  Available from: DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2013.10.013

Heffernan, Joseph Paul.  [Internet]  2014.  Dealing with Mediterranean Bluefin tuna: A study in international environmental management.  Marine Policy, 50: 81-88 [Cited February 3, 2016] Available from:  DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2014.05.014

Safina, Carl; and Klinger, Dane H.  [Internet]  2008.  Collapse of Bluefin Tuna in the Western Atlantic.  Conservation Biology, 22: 243-246 [Cited February 3, 2016]  DOI: 10.111/j.1523-1739.2008.00901

CBC News.  [Internet]  Bluefin tuna catch limits increased to 2,000 tonnes for 2015.  [Cited February 3, 2016]  Available from:

Walsh, Bryan.  [Internet]  2013.  The Pacific Bluefin Tuna is Going, Going…  [Cited February 3, 2016]  Available from:
World Wildlife Fund.  [Internet]  Bluefin Tuna.  [Cited February 3, 2016]  Available from: